The Legacy of Vashna


With your teeth clenched tightly against the fearful stench that is arising from the grave, you scrape away the remaining earth and stones and begin to search through the corpse’s robes. There is little of value to be found here, nothing that the brigands have not already picked over. You are about to abandon this unpleasant task when suddenly you notice something protruding from the corpse’s boot. It is a hexagonal token engraved with strange symbols, and it is made from the same black, metallic substance as the amulet given to you by President Kadharian.

You decide to keep this item. (Record this Special Item on your Action Chart as a Black Token which you carry in your pocket. If you already carry the maximum number of Special Items permissible, you must discard one in its favour.) Having satisfied your curiosity, you leave the gravesite and return to your horse, eager to continue your journey as quickly as you can.

Turn to 156.

Project AonThe Legacy of Vashna