A mile beyond the cove the shoreline trail becomes littered with boulders and huge mounds of muddy earth. It is the debris of landslides from the surrounding hills, a consequence of the violent storms. It soon becomes impossible to continue on horseback and you are forced to dismount and make your way on foot, with your horse trailing behind you.
During this difficult trek an icy squall arises, driven by a gale-force wind which whips the shoreline mercilessly. Your innate skills of Nexus protect you from the cold, but your horse is not so lucky. You know that you must find shelter from this bitter wintry squall, and quickly, if he is to survive.
As you reach the top of a rocky mound, you see below you a cluster of huge boulders grouped in a horseshoe shape near the lake’s edge; they promise good protection from the squall.
If you possess Grand Pathsmanship, turn to 302.
If you do not possess this Discipline, turn to 168.