The Legacy of Vashna


You watch helplessly as the woman approaches, her corpse-white hands outstretched, reaching in eager anticipation for the flap of the money pouch which hangs from your belt. You fight to resist the mind charm which is paralysing your limbs but, try as you will, you cannot break free.

Then with a jolt, the feeling suddenly returns to your paralysed body. The woman has vanished and so, too, have nearly all the Gold Crowns in your Belt Pouch.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

If the number you have picked is 0–3, there are only two Gold Crowns left in your pouch.

If the number you have picked is 4–7, there are only three Gold Crowns remaining.

If the number you have picked is 8–9, you have been left with five Gold Crowns.

Remember to adjust your Action Chart accordingly.

Cursing your luck, you coax your horse to the right at the road junction and continue on your search for the Crooked Sage Inn. A warren of covered alleyways and narrow passages eventually lead to a wider street, one which is illuminated by flickering torchlight.

Turn to 147.

Project AonThe Legacy of Vashna