Suddenly, the raging winds cease and you fall unconscious to the floor of the dais. When you awaken you discover that you are entirely alone. The collapse of the Shadow Gate and the whirlwind which followed have consumed everything, save yourself and the crystal dais: no acolytes, no trace of the grand archway, no Deathstaff, not even the storms remain. Virtually all trace of Cadak’s evil plan has been wiped from the surface of your world. (Erase the Deathstaff from your Action Chart.)
Congratulations, Grand Master Lone Wolf. You have triumphed. You have defeated the plan to resurrect Vashna and saved Magnamund from his rule of terror. But the fight against Evil is not yet over. The collapsing Shadow Gate destroyed everything it consumed … everything, that is, with one exception. That exception returns to haunt you in the next Grand Master adventure, entitled: