The Legacy of Vashna


You hold the brigand in a vice-tight armlock and demand to know who sent him here to ambush you.

‘No one sent me,’ he pleads, ‘no one … no one at all. I was plannin’ on robbin’ me a few acolytes, that’s all. Some of ’em has gold and trinkets that’s worth cash in Vakovar. This trail’s been good to me. It’s netted me some rich pickin’s in the past month or so. We weren’t after you in partic’lar … No, you jus’ happened to come ridin’ past, that’s all.’

Your Kai senses inform you that he is speaking the truth. He and his band of robbers have been waylaying Acolytes of Vashna who have travelled this route over the past few weeks. Without slackening your grip, you ask him what he knows about them.

‘They been preparin’ something, over on the … ’ he says, but he ceases to speak the moment he sees a group of his men emerge from the surrounding pines.

‘You’re in for it now,’ he hisses. ‘My men are goin’ to do for you good an’ proper.’

Another six of the captain’s men step from out of the trees and begin to move towards you, their swords held ready to strike. Rather than stay and fight them, you shove the captain away and take to your heels, pausing only to snatch up his satchel as you make your escape.

Screaming curses and promising you a slow death, the captain scrambles to his feet and leads his men in a chase, but you are soon lost among the dense pines and, reluctantly, he orders his henchmen to give up the pursuit.

Turn to 247.

Project AonThe Legacy of Vashna