Leaning at a slant to make headway into the blizzard, you trek determinedly through deep snow that is heaped in drifts around the breached city wall. As you pass through the gap, you catch brief glimpses of ruined buildings through the sleeting gale. You also become aware of a noise—a low hum—which is reverberating beneath the howl of the wind. You stop to listen and at once you determine that this strange noise is coming from the Crystal Spire.
Wearily you press on through the awesome ruins of this age-old city, where once a proud and mighty race reigned supreme, until you are forced to halt and take cover from a passing troop of skeletal warriors. You watch them march stiffly along an ice-choked avenue towards a plaza which is dominated by a frozen fountain. Beyond the fountain’s solid plume of water you see a broad ramp which ascends to a grand archway at the base of the Crystal Spire.
If you possess Grand Huntmastery and have attained the Kai rank of Sun Lord or higher, turn to 9.
If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to reach this level of Kai Mastery, turn to 122.