The great alien vessel looms towards your ship, its jaw-like prow hinged open as if in readiness to bite you in half. Then, with stunning swiftness, your entire craft is consumed by this onrushing vessel, swallowed up in its great jaws. There is a moment of deadly silence. Then, in the morbid, greenish gloom, you hear a bubbling rush of icy water echoing through the vast depths of this gullet. With fearful anticipation you unsheathe your weapon, move towards the ship’s rail, and then look down. The surrounding seawater is fast draining away, leaving your ship dry-docked upon a long, V-shaped plinth which glistens like polished bone. The bubbling subsides, to be replaced by another noise—the sound of a great portal grinding open. Bright light streams across the deck, blazing down from an archway which is opening close to the starboard bow. Silhouetted in this light are a hundred moving forms, each man-sized and armed with a sword or a spear. A ghastly howl of anger arises from their ranks when they see unexpectedly that the ship is crewed by living men. As the first of their number leap from the arch and crash upon the deck, you recognize their form. Once these creatures were Drakkarim warriors; now they are undead slaves in the service of the Ixian Deathlord. You shout to the Lencians to prepare for battle as the first wave of undead Drakkarim comes surging forwards.
If you wish to stand and fight the first wave of Drakkarim undead, turn to 260.
If you choose to evade their attack, turn to 163.