The Deathlord of Ixia


The moment you draw your divine blade, the bodies of your attackers undergo a swift and gruesome transformation. The radiant golden light of your sword washes over them, causing their torsos to implode with dramatic effect. They barely have time to cry out in agony as their twisted remains hit the floor and crumble to dust.

You sheathe the Sommerswerd and step away from the foul-smelling mounds of dust. But as you turn towards the archway that these fell creatures were guarding, you are confronted by a terrifying sight. Framed in the archway is the awesome figure of Deathlord Ixiataaga himself, the Deathstaff raised high in his ungodly hand. He has sensed the presence of the Sommerswerd and he has come to destroy it. Stunned by his awful visage, you fail to react in time to save yourself. You see a flash of white light explode at the tip of the staff and, in the very next instant, you feel agonizing pain shoot through every part of your body. Then an explosion of white-hot fire obliterates your senses and, in a terrifying instant, the light that is your life is snuffed out.

Tragically, you have fallen victim to the Deathlord and his staff of unholy power. Your life and your quest end here.

Project AonThe Deathlord of Ixia