The Deathlord of Ixia


The portal opens out into a domed chamber where several great orbs of fire-filled crystal, mounted on mechanical plinths, generate the intense light which is flooding the deck of the captive ship. You cross to a tunnel which leads out of the chamber and follow along a series of dingy, ice-caked corridors that wend their way deeper into the bowels of this vast alien vessel. You explore a maze of empty holds where the walls are braced with gleaming crystal girders, and pass through countless low-ceilinged chambers that, despite the biting chill, reek of death and decay. At length you come to a junction where the corridor splits in two directions.

If you wish to take the left branch of this corridor, turn to 106.

If you decide to take the right branch, turn to 292.

Project AonThe Deathlord of Ixia