You leap among the mass of advancing undead with renewed vigour, chopping and hewing at their decaying bodies until barely a handful remain to confront you. Grudgingly they yield ground. You snarl at them, defiantly cursing the power which makes them live beyond the grave, and they pull back a few yards more as if to catch their breath before launching their next assault.
You glance over your shoulder to see how the Lencian crew are faring but your eye is distracted by something glinting brightly in the dull light. It is a key, hanging from a chain strung around the neck of a slain undead warrior. You stoop to snatch up this key and, as your hand closes around its jade-green stem, you sense that it has magical properties. (If you wish to keep this Onyx Key, record it as a Special Item which you keep in the pocket of your tunic.)
Moments later the undead renew their attack, clambering awkwardly over the heaped bodies of those you have destroyed, their eyes burning with cold fire. You retreat from this relentless enemy and evade them by descending a stair which leads down into the ship’s hold. Above, you can hear the frenzied shouts of the Lencian crewmen as they are engaged by the undead Drakkarim in fierce hand-to-hand combat. Then you hear something else—the clatter of steel-shod boots on the steps, alerting you to the fact that your foes have not given up the chase. As they begin to descend, you quickly scan the gloomy hold for a place to hide.
If you possess Assimilance, turn to 208.
If you do not possess this skill, turn to 26.