You steer the ship slowly along a string of narrow fjords which cut an uncertain route through this treacherous field of icebergs. Your hands, slick with nervous sweat, grip the wheel tightly and inch it back and forth in response to the pilot’s frantic signals. It is a gruelling ordeal which takes its toll on all aboard. Every few minutes your vision is obscured by gusts of powdery snow which swirl across the deck, blown down from the tops of the surrounding ice cliffs. During these fierce blasts you often lose sight of the pilot and are forced to rely solely upon your Kai instincts to see you through.
The wind howls incessantly, accompanied by the tortured screech of the hull as it skims and grazes banks of submerged ice. The sounds send shivers of dread coursing down your spine. The crew are also clearly terrified by the noises; they cower beside the ship’s rail and stare up at the encroaching walls of ice, mouthing prayers, their eyes haunted with fear.
Then, almost without any warning, the snow-laden wind abates and the ship emerges from the iceberg field into the open waters of the Tozaz Sea. The crew give a hearty cheer, relieved that their icy ordeal has at last come to an end. One man pulls the cork from a bottle of black rum which he has been keeping for a special occasion. He takes a mighty swig, and then passes it to a comrade. Just as the second man is raising the bottle to his lips, you hear unexpectedly the pilot’s voice echoing along the deck: ‘Ship ahoy!’
Fear returns to tie a knot in your stomach as you turn and focus your eagle eyes upon the distant vessel.