As if in answer to your prayer to the Goddess Ishir, the blade of your divine sword suddenly radiates a blinding halo of golden light. You sense that you hold in your hands a weapon capable of destroying the dragon and this realization greatly lifts your spirits (restore any ENDURANCE points lost so far).
The dragon growls with disdain as the light of your sword washes over his scaly hide. He raises a claw-tipped forepaw and lashes out in an attempt to swat the Sommerswerd from your grasp, but you duck the blow and thrust the blade into his side. He roars with pain, but then he leaps at you with frightening speed.
This creature is immune to all forms of psychic attack, except Kai-surge and Kai-blast. Due to the increased power of your sword while upon the Plane of Darkness, you may add 4 to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of this fight.
If you win the fight, turn to 288.