Dazed and trembling, you stagger to your feet and tentatively shake your head in an effort to clear your blurred vision. Close by your feet you see the outline of your weapon and you stoop to retrieve it. (If you were holding a normal weapon when you passed through the wall, you discover it has been destroyed by the blast: delete this weapon from your Weapons List. If the weapon you were holding was a Special Item, you discover that it has survived intact.)
As your vision returns you see that you have been hurled back into the chamber. Your fellow Kai, all of whom were knocked to the floor by the blast, are now struggling to get themselves back on their feet. Fortunately their physical injuries are minor; their innate Kai skills have spared them from serious injury. However, you sense that your inability to detect that the wall was an explosive illusion has severely shaken their confidence.
‘Our prey is far more cunning than I feared,’ you say, ruefully, ‘but we are Kai and we shall rise to the challenge. Our enemy possesses strong magic and he is capable of masking it well. Yet he chooses to use it to wound and weaken our party, not to kill us. Why this should be I do not know. But from now on we cannot entirely trust our senses to protect us. We must proceed with the utmost caution.’
Beyond where the illusory north wall once stood, you can now see a small antechamber which is wreathed in acrid blue smoke. Gradually this smoke dissipates to reveal a shallow plinth upon which lies a bronze urn. This heavy object rests on its side and a quantity of pale grey ash has spilled from its hinged lid. Cautiously you approach the urn and see that there is an inscription engraved on its side. From this ancient script you learn that the ashes are the last remains of Baroness Garrulen, the wife of Hul—third Baron of Tyso. Glinting half-buried in the ash, you notice a ring encrusted with crimson gemstones. (If you wish to keep this Ruby Ring, record it on your Action Chart as a Special Item.)
You are righting the urn on its plinth when you hear Steel Hand calling you. He has found something among the rubble which litters the floor at the rear of the antechamber.