Wolf’s Bane


You extend your right arm and point your hand at the trough below. Then you utter the words of the Brotherhood Spell Lightning Hand and a familiar tingle rushes along your arm to explode into life at the tip of your index finger. A bolt of blue fire arcs downwards to the oily surface and with a deafening wumph! it ignites the liquid to create a blazing fireball. Greedily, this guttering ball of flame consumes the creatures gathered around the lip of the trough, sparing none. The heat from the blast buffets you and singes your tunic and cloak, but your body survives unscathed.

On reaching the balcony you speak the words which negate the effects of the Teleport spell, and the moment your feet touch the ground you hurry into the archway beyond.

Use of the Teleport spell has cost you 4 ENDURANCE points. Remember to make the necessary adjustment to your Action Chart.

To continue, turn to 50.

Project AonWolf’s Bane