The rasping growl of the metal wolf is steadily getting louder. The sinister sound makes your palms slick with cold sweat as you feverishly examine the door and the locking mechanism set into the wall nearby.
The gemstone squares are sensitive devices which secure this door. By tapping upon each of them a correct number of times you will cause the lock to disengage and the door will open. You place your fingers lightly upon the squares and feel the tell-tale vibrations that are the key to deciphering their secret code. Aided by your Kai skills, you are able to determine that the first code is equal to the number of named Kirlundin Islands north of Egen. The second code is equal to the number of villages to the east of Ragadorn.
In order to discover the exact numbers that will open the door, consult the map.
When you think you know the two-digit solution, turn to the entry that is the same number as your answer.15
If you cannot decipher the codes, turn instead to 134.