Once outside, you focus your tracking skills and attempt to pick up your enemy’s trail. You have a feeling that he may have doubled back on his tracks, and so you retrace your steps to the street where you first appeared in this alien city. As you are nearing this place, you suddenly hear the ringing metallic clang of an iron girder falling from a height. The noise echoes from an alleyway off to your right, and immediately you go to investigate.
At the end of the alley you discover a derelict warehouse. Fire has ravaged its interior, and much of the roof has caved in, but amongst the debris you can see that it once stored metal cylinders and coils of wire. You stop at the entrance and listen. Your caution is rewarded when you hear footsteps at the rear of the building. You draw your weapon and enter, using the debris for cover as you inch your way towards the back of the ruined warehouse. You are moving between cover when suddenly you see the outline of a human form silhouetted against a broken window. Instantly you know that it is not Wolf’s Bane: this figure is clad in grey, close-fitting armour and is holding a metallic spear. The realization makes you hesitate, and in that split second of indecision, the armoured figure sees you and raises its spear. A blinding flame ignites at its tip, and a beam of white-hot light comes speeding towards your chest.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Pathsmanship, add 3 to the number you have picked.
If your total is now 5 or less, turn to 312.
If it is 6 or higher, turn to 6.