The Curse of Naar

The Game Rules

You keep a record of your adventure on the Action Chart.

For more than ten years, ever since the demise of the Darklords of Helgedad, you have devoted yourself to developing further your fighting prowess—COMBAT SKILL—and physical stamina—ENDURANCE. Before you begin this ultimate Grand Master adventure you need to measure how effective your training has been. To do this take a pencil and, with your eyes closed, point with the blunt end of it onto the Random Number Table. If you pick a 0 it counts as zero.

The first number that you pick from the Random Number Table in this way represents your COMBAT SKILL. Add 25 to the number you picked and write the total in the COMBAT SKILL section of your Action Chart (i.e. if your pencil fell on the number 6 in the Random Number Table you would write in a COMBAT SKILL of 31). When you fight, your COMBAT SKILL will be pitted against that of your enemy. A high score in this section is therefore very desirable.

The second number that you pick from the Random Number Table represents your powers of ENDURANCE. Add 30 to this number and write the total in the ENDURANCE section of your Action Chart (i.e. if your pencil fell on the number 7 on the Random Number Table you would have 37 ENDURANCE points).

If you are wounded in combat you will lose ENDURANCE points. If at any time your ENDURANCE points fall to zero or below, you are dead and the adventure is over. Lost ENDURANCE points can be regained during the course of the adventure, but your number of ENDURANCE points can never rise above the number you have when you start an adventure.

If you have successfully completed any of the previous adventures in the Lone Wolf series (Books 1–19), you can carry your current scores of COMBAT SKILL and ENDURANCE points over to Book 20. These scores may include Weaponmastery, Curing, and Psi-surge bonuses obtained upon completion of Lone Wolf Kai (Books 1–5) or Magnakai (Books 6–12) adventures.1 Only if you have completed these previous adventures will you benefit from the appropriate bonuses in the course of the Lone Wolf Grand Master series.2 You may also carry over any Weapons and Backpack Items you had in your possession at the end of your last adventure, and these should be entered on your new Grand Master Action Chart. (You are still limited to two Weapons, but you may now carry up to ten Backpack Items.)

However, only the following Special Items may be carried over from the Lone Wolf Kai (Books 1–5) and Magnakai (Books 6–12) series to the Lone Wolf Grand Master series (Books 13–onwards):

  • Crystal Star Pendant
  • Sommerswerd3
  • Silver Helm
  • Dagger of Vashna
  • Silver Bracers
  • Jewelled Mace
  • Silver Bow of Duadon
  • Helshezag
  • Korlinium Scabbard
  • Kagonite Chainmail

[1] The Discipline bonuses mentioned do not affect your permanent scores. If you have completed previous adventures, the Disciplines that you have mastered may still be beneficial. See the Grand Master Rules section of the Readers’ Handbook for details.

[2] If you have completed any previous Lone Wolf Grand Master adventures, remember to choose an additional Grand Master Discipline and add +1 to your basic COMBAT SKILL and +2 to your basic ENDURANCE for each adventure you successfully completed (cf. Grand Master Disciplines).

[3] If you possess the Sommerswerd, Section 98 of Dawn of the Dragons suggests that you may be able to add 4 to your COMBAT SKILL when using it in the Plane of Darkness (in addition to all other combat bonuses for this Special Item).

Project AonThe Curse of Naar