The Curse of Naar


Upon entering the tunnel, the ground disappears beneath your feet and you begin to fall through darkness towards a pale speck of greyish light far below. You are gripped instantly by the fear that you have unwittingly stepped into a deep pit, yet your descent is uncannily smooth and controlled. It is as if you are being lowered by an invisible cable down a dark, interminable mineshaft.

As you slowly descend, your fear subsides and you take the opportunity to look at the ring which you cut from the hand of the Künae. It radiates its own dim light by which you can see a runic inscription carved on the inside of the band. Record this Künae Ring on your Action Chart as a Special Item, which you keep in your pocket. The runic number on its band is 20. Make a note of this number in the margin of your Action Chart for future reference.

After what seems like more than an hour, you eventually reach the base of this dark shaft. Your feet hit solid ground with more force than you are expecting after the long and gentle descent, and the violent jolt of impact leaves you sprawled in the dust, stunned and gasping for breath: lose 2 ENDURANCE points.

Dragging yourself wearily to your feet, you inspect your new surroundings with a feeling of curiosity and apprehension. You have emerged in a deep mine tunnel that passes through ore-rich rock. The reek of iron, sulphur, and rust assails your nostrils: a pungent aroma but one that smells as sweet as spring in Sommerlund after the indescribable stench of the Hall of the Künae. You scan the tunnel in both directions and use your Kai senses to gather information. The faint sounds of hammering and scraping can be heard coming from somewhere above, and the symmetrical grooves which scar the tunnel walls tell you that this passage was excavated by some sort of gigantic burrowing machine. Feeling certain that you have entered a new realm of the Plane of Darkness, you are about to consult the Tome of Darkness when suddenly you hear a noise along the tunnel away to your right. Something huge is approaching at great speed.

If you possess Grand Huntmastery, turn to 113.

If you do not possess this Discipline, turn to 7.

Project AonThe Curse of Naar