You decide to explore the perimeter of the undergrowth and have walked almost a mile along its edge before you come across the remnants of a path which leads into the jungle’s dark interior. Cautiously you advance along this overgrown trail, but you have not gone far before you are forced to a halt by a thick curtain of hanging vines and creepers.
Using your advanced Kai Discipline, you command the mossy creepers to move aside and create a tunnel through which you can pass. The reaction to your order is immediate and dramatic. There is a deafening noise, like the sound of heavy tropical rainfall, and suddenly the hanging vines rise up and flail the air. They lash out at you with stunning ferocity, forcing you to retreat back along the trail before their stinging blows. Rapidly your sense of surprise is surpassed by fear when you realize that these vines are not plants at all; they are hostile living creatures.
If you wish to attempt to evade their attack, turn to 35.
If you decide to try to fight your way through them, turn to 46.