As the last of the ghoulish horde falls to your deadly blows, you leap over its shattered body and break into a run. Unfortunately you do not get very far; a heavy weight hits you squarely in the back and knocks you to your knees. You struggle to regain your footing in the thick mud but your efforts are soon thwarted when you are suddenly engulfed by a coarse rope net dropped from above. Frantically you scrabble to untangle yourself, but a second net smothers the first and delays you just long enough for a pair of winged flyers to land on your back and force you down. Then another two of these demonic fliers come to assist them. While you are being subdued they hurriedly thread ropes through the edges of the nets and hurl the loose ends to others hovering above. Then, as one, the flock utters a chilling shriek of triumph. Your stomach churns and your heart pounds as you feel the net close in and hoist you off the ground.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If the number you have picked is 0–4, you lose 1 Backpack Item of your choice as you are lifted into the air. If the number you have picked is 5–9, your money pouch spills open and you lose all of your Gold Crowns.
After making the necessary adjustments to your Action Chart, you may continue by turning to 63.