The Curse of Naar


Out of a sense of duty and respect for the memories of these three brave men, you pray to the God Kai to release them from their torment (reduce your ENDURANCE score by 4). As you intone the hallowed words of your prayer, you feel an aura of peace and tranquillity descend upon their tortured souls. The twisted and pained faces which adorn the surface of the fiery comets gradually soften and fade until, with an overwhelming sense of release, you detect that they are no more. Through your presence here, and the power of your prayer, the God Kai has been able to penetrate the darkness of this domain and retrieve their souls. It is with a great sense of satisfaction you detect that they have at last found eternal peace upon the Plane of Light.

The comets, now devoid of soul-energy, are drawn back into the orbit of the distant star cluster. You, too, are drawn towards these glowing stars, and as you pass through them at an incredible speed, you glimpse a wondrous sight in the void beyond. A vast rainbow bridge of colour arcs across the immeasurable darkness to a titanic plateau of fire. Your spirits soar when you detect that this is the Bridge of the Damned, the exit that you seek from this astral domain. Yet as you approach the magnificent bridge, you detect a less-welcoming presence. The shadowy riders are returning, and this time they are escorting a creature that sets your pulse racing with fear.

Turn to 272.

Project AonThe Curse of Naar