The Curse of Naar


You unshoulder your Bow, draw an Arrow, and take careful aim at the nearest of the three spider-creatures below. You sense that the most vulnerable part of its body is the nape of its neck, where its almond-shaped head meets its bulbous body, and this point becomes your chosen target. You release your missile and it whistles down to pierce the creature’s neck, penetrating so deeply that only the tail flights of the Arrow remain visible. The beast shrieks and collapses lifelessly into the mud. Your second Arrow also finds its mark, slaying the second creature while it is still stunned by the death of its companion. But the third and last creature proves to be no easy target. Despite the swift demise of its two companions it refuses to run away. Instead it dodges and feints with a succession of jerky movements designed to spoil your aim.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Weaponmastery with Bow, add 5 to the number you have picked.

If your total score is now 7 or lower, turn to 291.

If it is 8 or higher, turn to 222.

Project AonThe Curse of Naar