The few remaining insects that survive your blows hurriedly flee across the swamp and disappear into a curtain of acidic rain. Mindful of the damage this rain is inflicting upon your clothes and equipment, you turn and run back towards the pile of fallen slabs. The hollow beneath these stones is now empty of insects and so you squeeze yourself through a gap and take shelter here.
As you wait for the rain to abate, you inspect the inside of the hollow and the pendulous insect hive. Despite the seemingly haphazard lie of the stone slabs, the rain does not penetrate into the interior, and the inside of the hollow stays remarkably dry. On the ground lies a thick carpet of soft leathery leaves. They are spattered with a yellow, honey-like substance which is oozing from the base of the hive. It smells sweet but your Kai senses warn you not to taste any: it is poisonous. (If you wish to take some of this, record it on your Action Chart as Muntaag Honey. You can wrap it in a leaf and store it as a Backpack Item.)
You are busy cleaning the acidic rain from your equipment with a handful of leaves when suddenly your Sixth Sense warns you of approaching danger. You peer out through a crack in the stones and catch sight of a flock of bat-winged creatures. They are swooping down from out of the rainy sky towards your hiding place.
If you have ever been to the Ruins of Maaken in a previous Lone Wolf adventure, turn to 107.
If you have never visited this place, turn to 252.