The hyena-beast suddenly opens its great jaw and coughs up a ball of vile phlegm which it spits at you with stunning force. You dive to the floor to avoid being hit by this evil-smelling projectile and it speeds over your shoulder to splatter loudly against the portal. Droplets of saliva spray the back of your legs, leaving tiny white stains where it instantly removes the checked dyes from your breeches. You wipe your legs with the hem of your cloak but your stomach heaves when you detect that the creature’s saliva contains a virulent plague bacteria.
Fortunately, your innate Magnakai Disciplines of Nexus and Curing immediately neutralize this deadly plague virus, rendering it harmless to you. The creature howls with anger and frustration; it has never before encountered any living being capable of resisting its deadly plague-ridden saliva, and your unexpected survival makes it feel suddenly anxious and unsure.
If you possess Animal Mastery, turn to 80.
If you do not possess this Grand Master Discipline, turn to 132.