The Curse of Naar


Your precautions prove successful and you are able to successfully mask your mental and physical self from the unwanted attentions of Tzor. Patiently you wait for the demonic being to herd his vast pack of tortured souls around to the far side of Dazganon before you cross the Plain of Despair and make your approach to Naar’s stronghold.

The outer gate of Dazganon is open and unguarded and you are able to pass through unhindered. Clearly the Dark God considers the need for guards here unnecessary for the walls and bastions appear never to have been manned. It is not until you reach the archway to the inner keep that you meet with resistance. Filling the inner arch is a curtain of black flames which crackle and spit venomously. You recall the text of the Tome of Darkness and retrieve from your pockets the three items that are required to gain entry to Dazganon. Then, with trepidation, you close your eyes and step directly into the wall of blazing black flame.

Add together the three numbers which appear upon the three Special Items that will enable you to gain entry to Dazganon. If you have gathered all three items, you will have noted these numbers in the margin of your Action Chart. To continue your quest, turn now to the entry which is the same as your total.14

If you have not obtained all three Special Items, sadly you are doomed to spend the rest of eternity running with the lost souls upon the Plain of Despair.

[14] The section corresponding to the correct answer will have a footnote confirming that it is indeed correct.

Project AonThe Curse of Naar