The portal opens into a vaulted corridor lined with wall-paintings that exude a crude aura of evil. This procession of gaudy murals depict nightmarish scenes: diseased creatures, alien landscapes blighted with pestilence, hosts of larvae writhing in awful triumph over the goodly forces of Kai and Ishir. This macabre celebration of decay fills you with revulsion, yet it pales in comparison to the sight awaiting you at the corridor’s end.
Beyond the corridor lies a vast chamber, rough-hewn from the bedrock of this rotting land. The decomposing carcass of a gigantic reptile rests here upon a floor which shimmers in the eerie yellow half-light. Bile rises in your throat when suddenly you realize why the floor is shimmering: it is carpeted with a seething sea of maggots. Gagging with fear and nausea, you snatch your cloak to your mouth and steady yourself against a pillar as you survey this ghastly hall. Mounted upon the broken back of the great reptilian carcass are two throne-like chairs carved from black wood. Between and below them, lying deep within the creature’s exposed rib cage, is a dark semicircular shadow that resembles the entrance to a cave. Drawing upon your Magnakai Discipline of Divination, you scan the hall and quickly determine that all is not what it seems. You detect the presence of three powerful entities protected by spells of illusion and invisibility. You feel sure that two of them are the Künae, the rulers of this hellish domain, but the third eludes you. Its aura feels oddly familiar, yet you cannot readily determine its location or identity.
If you have ever visited Mogaruith, Kaag, or Helgor in a previous Lone Wolf adventure, turn to 18.
If you have never visited any of these places, turn to 320.