You draw upon your Grand Mastery to supply a burst of life-saving vitality (restore 20 ENDURANCE points).6 As this wave of Kai energy surges through your battered body, you find the strength to scramble to your feet and rush towards the glowing portal. You leap through it just as the retracting coil of rock reaches the mouth of the dragon-gate, and the crash of stone echoes in your ears as you fall headlong through the corridor of swirling flame that lies beyond this mysterious portal. Your Platinum Amulet protects you from the fierce conflagration, and it also feeds you with a steady warming stream of energy which radiates from the centre of your body outwards to soothe your aching limbs.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table (0–10). Now double the number you have picked. This total equals the number of ENDURANCE points you may restore as a result of the healing effects of the Platinum Amulet. (Remember: your ENDURANCE score cannot exceed the total with which you began this adventure.)
After a short time the swirling corridor of flame gradually darkens and you feel the speed of your fall begin to decrease. Then, in a breathtaking instant, your feet slam into hot, cindery ground and you crash forwards to land in a tangled heap.
If you have ever visited the Palmyrion town of Scade in a previous Lone Wolf adventure, turn to 125.
If you have never visited this town, turn to 215.