The Curse of Naar


You notice, close to the entrance to the bridge, that there is a pulley and chain which is rigged to a stout stone beam overhanging the chasm. A team of five reptilians are busy at this pulley, hoisting buckets of molten lava from the base of the chasm which they then pass along a line to a place where a dwelling is being built. Here a construction team are using the molten lava as cement for their building blocks.

Drawing upon your improved Discipline, you focus on the pulley at the pivot point where it is attached to the beam, and you set up vibrations that, within a matter of seconds, cause it to shatter. The chain and the attached buckets of lava drop back into the chasm causing a spectacular firefall. The handful of creatures who are on the bridge at this time immediately rush to the parapet to watch this fiery display. While they are distracted, you seize the opportunity to make a dash across the open bridge.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Assimilance, add 3 to the number you have picked. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 2. If your current ENDURANCE score is 10 or lower, deduct 1.

If your total score is now 6 or lower, turn to 25.

If your score is 7 or higher, turn to 95.

Project AonThe Curse of Naar