You attempt to dodge the onrushing lance of flame but it glances your shoulder and sends you tumbling backwards across the hall’s slimy floor.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table (0=10). The number you have picked is equal to the number of ENDURANCE points you have lost as a result of your wounds. If you possess Deliverance, you may reduce this total by 1 point.
Aware now that the Lord of Decay seated on the right-hand throne is Jantoor, you stagger to your feet and shout his secret name. Immediately the creature becomes immobile. The sight of his frozen form—and the sudden cessation of mind contact—throws his brother-lord into a state of panic and confusion. In a blind rage he utters a curse and, to your horror, you see the maggot swarm emerge from the shadowy recesses of the hall. As the larvae writhe towards you they begin to swell grotesquely in size.
If you are to save yourself from this monstrous horde you must quickly use the secret name of the remaining Künae. But there is no time to consult the Tome of Darkness: you must try to recall the name from memory.
If you think the secret name is ‘Rhunotar’, turn to 96.
If you think the secret name is ‘Rhunadan’, turn to 311.
If you think the secret name is ‘Rhunaguin’, turn to 289.