We have taken our unique opportunity to correct errors and to enforce a standard of English usage. We list our changes here. If you see anything that needs correction, please contact the Project Aon Staff.
(Title) Replaced ‘southern Magnamund’ with ‘Southern Magnamund’. Replaced ‘warrior, among’ with ‘warrior among’. Replaced ‘life and death’ with ‘life-and-death’. Replaced ‘en route’ with ‘en route’. Replaced ‘godlike’ with ‘god-like’.
(The Story so Far … ) Replaced ‘MS5075’ with ‘MS 5070’. Replaced ‘Kai monastery’ with ‘Kai Monastery’. Replaced ‘freestate’ with ‘Freeland’. Replaced ‘monastery of the Kai’ with ‘Monastery of the Kai’. Replaced ‘imposter’ with ‘impostor’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘artifact’ with ‘artefact’. Replaced ‘gods of Good’ with ‘Gods of Good’. Replaced ‘southern-most’ with ‘southernmost’. Replaced ‘Cloud Dancer’ with ‘Cloud-dancer’. Replaced ‘re-established’ with ‘reestablished’. Replaced ‘Darklord armies’ with ‘Darkland armies’. Replaced ‘King’s army’ with ‘King’s Army’. Replaced ‘the First Order of the Kai were almost’ with ‘the First Order of the Kai was almost’. Replaced ‘MS5083’ with ‘MS 5083’. Replaced ‘MS5063’ with ‘MS 5063’. Replaced ‘MS5077’ with ‘MS 5077’.
(The Game Rules) Removed ‘that you will find in the front of this book. For ease of use, and for further adventuring, it is recommended that you photocopy these pages’. Removed ‘on the last page of this book’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘ie’ with ‘i.e.’. Replaced ‘fall to zero’ with ‘fall to zero or below’. Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’. Replaced ‘can not’ with ‘cannot’. Replaced ‘New Order adventure’ with ‘New Order adventure’.
(Your Kai Name) Replaced ‘elite’ with ‘élite’. Removed ‘You can record your personal Kai name on the book plate which appears on the inside front cover of this book.’.
(New Order Disciplines) Replaced ‘Animal control’ with ‘Animal Control’. Replaced ‘venoms and’ with ‘venoms, and’. Replaced ‘symbols and’ with ‘symbols, and’. Replaced ‘gases and’ with ‘gases, and’. Replaced ‘1 to 3’ with ‘one to three’. Replaced ‘Kai-surge, Psi-surge, and Mindblast’ with ‘Kai-surge and Mindblast’. Replaced ‘Old Kingdom battle magic’ with ‘Old Kingdom battle-magic’. Replaced ‘magi-magic spells’ with ‘Old Kingdom Spells’. Replaced ‘individual (or combinations of) elements that are available,’ with ‘individual elements that are available, or combinations thereof,’. Replaced ‘guild of magicians’ with ‘Guild of Magicians’. Replaced ‘remove or’ with ‘remove, or’. Replaced ‘eg’ with ‘e.g.’. Replaced ‘multitalented’ with ‘multi-talented’. Replaced ‘dialect and’ with ‘dialect, and’. Replaced ‘Weapon and’ with ‘Weapon, and’. Replaced ‘COMBAT SKILL is reduced’ with ‘ENDURANCE is reduced’. Replaced ‘further Discipline’ with ‘further Grand Master Discipline’. Replaced ‘extra Discipline’ with ‘extra Grand Master Discipline’. Replaced ‘four Disciplines’ with ‘four Grand Master Disciplines’. Replaced ‘four of the New Order Disciplines’ with ‘four of the New Order Grand Master Disciplines’. Replaced ‘all of the New Order Disciplines’ with ‘all of the New Order Grand Master Disciplines’. Replaced ‘four of the New Order Disciplines’ with ‘four of the New Order Grand Master Disciplines’. Replaced ‘New Order Disciplines section’ with ‘Grand Master Disciplines section’. Replaced ‘EQUIPMENT’ with ‘Equipment’. Replaced ‘Mindblast’ with ‘Mindblast’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘For every adventure that you complete successfully in the New Order series, you will gain proficiency with one additional weapon.’ with ‘For every adventure that you complete successfully in the New Order series while possessing the Discipline of Grand Weaponmastery, you will gain proficiency with one additional weapon.’. Replaced ‘battle wounds’ with ‘battle-wounds’. Added ‘ If you have chosen the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery as one of your skills, you will not need to tick off a Meal when instructed to eat.’ to the section on Grand Huntmastery. Replaced ‘fortresses increases’ with ‘fortresses increase’. Replaced ‘Duration of the spirit-walk, and the protection afforded to his inanimate body, increases’ with ‘Duration of the spirit-walk and the protection afforded to his in animate body increase’. Replaced ‘predictions increases’ with ‘predictions increase’. Used Brian Williams’ Grand Master Disciplines illustrations from subsequent books. Replaced ‘Grand Master Senior’ with ‘Kai Grand Master Senior’. Replaced ‘will be of use’ with ‘may be of use’. Added ‘If you have the Discipline of Grand Weaponmastery with Bow, you may add 5 points to any number you pick from the Random Number Table, when using the Bow.’ from the Equipment section. Replaced ‘Lone Wolf (New Order) series’ with ‘Lone Wolf New Order series’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘New Order series’ with ‘New Order series’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘New Order adventure’ with ‘New Order adventure’. Replaced ‘any other Special Items that’ with ‘any other Special Items and Backpack Items that’. Replaced ‘in the Equipment section’ with ‘below’ and added an illustration of the ten types of Weapon in harmony with the Collector’s Edition. Replaced each occurrence of ‘four’ with ‘five’ when referring to the initial number of Disciplines a Grand Master begins the series with, in line with the Collector’s Edition.
(Equipment) Removed ‘(see the inside front cover of this book)’. Set the items on the list of equipment in Initial Capitals. Replaced ‘Special item’ with ‘Special Item’. Replaced ‘eg,’ with ‘e.g.’. Replaced ‘combat, therefore’ with ‘combat; therefore’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘quiver’ with ‘Quiver’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘arrows’ with ‘Arrows’. Added a paragraph about Gold Crowns to the section ‘Equipment—How to use it’. Replaced ‘have to your’ with ‘have on your’. Replaced ‘Grand Weaponmastery with a Bow’ with ‘Grand Weaponmastery with Bow’. Replaced ‘you take with you’ with ‘you acquire’. Replaced ‘a sword or an axe’ with ‘a Sword or an Axe’. Replaced ‘weapons’ with ‘Weapons’. Replaced ‘weapon’ with ‘Weapon’. Removed ‘If you have the Discipline of Grand Weaponmastery with Bow, you may add 3 points to any number you pick from the Random Number Table, when using the Bow.’. Replaced ‘record these on your Weapons List’ with ‘record these on your Action Chart’ for clarity. Replaced ‘Disciplines then’ with ‘Disciplines, then’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘weapon’ with ‘Weapon’ in the ‘Equipment—How to Use It’ section. Added ‘You may only use one Weapon at a time in combat.’ in harmony with the Collector’s Edition. Added ‘It cannot be used to increase ENDURANCE points immediately prior to a combat.’ in harmony with the Collector’s Edition. Replaced ‘four’ with ‘five’ in line with the Collector’s Edition.
(Kai Weapons) Replaced ‘elite’ with ‘élite’. Replaced ‘new-found’ with ‘newfound’. Removed ‘at the front of the book’. Replaced ‘cave or’ with ‘cave, or’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘vs.’ with ‘versus’ on the table. Replaced ‘the Monastery’ with ‘the Kai Monastery’. Replaced ‘magical Axe, Sword or Broadsword’ with ‘magical Axe, Sword, or Broadsword’. Replaced ‘broadsword “Illuminatus”’ with ‘Broadsword “Illuminatus”’. Added ‘(these bonuses are not cumulative)’ in harmony with the Collector’s Edition. Replaced ‘when used versus magicians’ with ‘when used against magicians or creatures born of magic’ in harmony with the Collector’s Edition.
(Rules for Combat) Removed ‘on the inside back cover of this book’. Replaced ‘on the page after the Random Number Table’ with ‘in the back of this book’. Replaced ‘points reduced’ with ‘points possibly reduced’. Replaced ‘to zero’ with ‘to zero or below’. Replaced ‘at which point the one with the zero score is declared dead’ with ‘at which point that combatant is declared dead’. Replaced ‘sumary’ with ‘summary’. Replaced ‘Only you’ with ‘Only you’.
(Levels of New Order Grand Mastership) Replaced ‘Senior (You begin the New Order adventures at this level of Kai Grand Mastery)’ with ‘Senior—(You begin the New Order adventures at this level of Kai Grand Mastery)’. Replaced ‘rank and titles’ with ‘ranks and titles’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘Grand Master’ with ‘Kai Grand Master’ in harmony with subsequent books in the series. Replaced ‘New Order adventures’ with ‘New Order adventures’.
(Improved Grand Master Disciplines) Removed the quote marks from around ‘Improved Grand Master Disciplines’. Replaced ‘Lone Wolf New Order series’ with ‘Lone Wolf New Order series’.
(New Order Wisdom) Italicised ‘Lone Wolf’ when referring to the series. Replaced ‘(Books 1–20) may be advantageous, but it is’ with ‘(Books 1–20) is’ since you may not bring any items or skills over from those books into the New Order series. Replaced ‘New Order adventure’ with ‘New Order adventure’. Replaced ‘four’ with ‘five’ in line with the Collector’s Edition.
(1) Added a paragraph break between ‘power.‘ ’ and ‘He’. Replaced ‘Lord-Lieutenant’ with ‘Lord-lieutenant’. Replaced ‘Cloud Dancer’ with ‘Cloud-dancer’. Replaced ‘far to the west’ with ‘in the far west’.
(2) Replaced ‘tavernkeeper’ with ‘tavern-keeper’. Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’. Replaced ‘Funtal’s Castle’ with ‘Funtal’s castle’.
(3) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Replaced ‘—Lightning Hand—’ with ‘Lightning Hand’.
(4) Replaced ‘tavernkeeper’ with ‘tavern-keeper’. Replaced ‘hay loft’ with ‘hay-loft’.
(5) Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’.
(6) Replaced ‘a giggling swarm of young children come’ with ‘a giggling swarm of young children comes’. Replaced ‘surround’ with ‘surrounds’.
(7) Replaced ‘philtres and’ with ‘philtres, and’. Replaced ‘Potion of Laumspur’ with ‘Potion of Laumspur’. Replaced ‘Potion of Alether’ with ‘Potion of Alether’. Replaced ‘Potion of Mustow’ with ‘Potion of Mustow’. Replaced ‘Potion of Sebaris’ with ‘Potion of Sebaris’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘use only once’ with ‘one use only’.
(8) Replaced ‘If you have no money’ with ‘If you have no money, or if you do not wish to pay’.
(9) Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’.
(10) Replaced each occurrence of ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’.
(11) Replaced ‘divination’ with ‘Divination’. Replaced ‘drawing your’ with ‘drawing upon your’.
(13) Replaced ‘rigging, then’ with ‘rigging, and then’. Replaced ‘Magi-magic, and’ with ‘Magi-magic and’. Replaced ‘Elementalism, and’ with ‘Elementalism and’.
(14) Replaced ‘belltower’ with ‘bell-tower’. Replaced ‘above, then’ with ‘above, and then’. Replaced ‘emporiums’ with ‘emporia’.
(16) Replaced ‘Kai mastery’ with ‘Kai Mastery’. Replaced ‘clifftop’ with ‘cliff-top’.
(17) Replaced ‘tavern keeper’s’ with ‘tavern-keeper’s’. Replaced ‘(erase these from your Action Chart)’ with ‘(erase these from your Action Chart. If you have fewer than 3 Gold Crowns, you give all of your remaining Crowns to the tavern-keeper’s wife)’ in harmony with the Collector’s Edition.
(20) Replaced ‘heard, ‘the’ with ‘heard. ‘The’. Replaced ‘Quick men!’ with ‘Quick, men!’ Replaced ‘lieutenant, ‘follow me.’ with ‘lieutenant. ‘Follow me!’.
(21) Replaced ‘turbanned’ with ‘turbaned’. Replaced ‘ice-cool’ with ‘ice cool’. Replaced ‘counter-attack’ with ‘counterattack’. Replaced ‘battle-cry: ‘For Sommerlund and the Kai!’ as’ with ‘battle-cry—‘For Sommerlund and the Kai!’—as’.
(24) Replaced ‘sirs?’ he asks, ‘ ’cause’ with ‘sirs?’ he asks. ‘ ’Cause’.
(26) Replaced ‘agonising’ with ‘agonizing’.
(27) Replaced ‘Suddenly your’ with ‘Suddenly, your’. Replaced ‘Kai Alchemy’ with ‘Kai-alchemy’.
(28) Replaced ‘weather-beaten’ with ‘weatherbeaten’.
(30) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Replaced ‘—Silence—’ with ‘Silence’. Replaced ‘dumb-struck’ with ‘dumbstruck’. Replaced ‘The Gods have struck’ with ‘The gods have struck’. Added ‘(erase the first item you have recorded on your Backpack Items list)’ in harmony with the Collector’s Edition.
(31) Replaced ‘market-place’ with ‘marketplace’. Replaced ‘rounds, or less’ with ‘rounds or less’. Replaced ‘ rounds (or more)’ with ‘rounds or more’.
(33) Replaced each occurrence of ‘weapons’ with ‘Weapons’.
(34) Added ‘(If you do not have enough Gold Crowns, you may choose to barter a normal Weapon, Backpack Item, or Special Item at your discretion to buy a Standard room.)’ in harmony with the Collector’s Edition.
(35) Replaced ‘meat and biscuit’ with ‘meat and biscuits’. Replaced ‘The Captain’ with ‘The captain’.
(36) Replaced ‘Old Kingdom spell’ with ‘Old Kingdom Spell’. Replaced ‘—Power Word’ with ‘Power Word’. Replaced ‘sommersault’ with ‘somersault’. Replaced ‘master Kai’ with ‘Master Kai’. Removed the quotation marks around ‘Gloar!’.
(37) Replaced ‘20 crowns’ with ‘20 Crowns’. Replaced ‘Bardsmanship, and’ with ‘Bardsmanship and’.
(38) Replaced ‘quartz and’ with ‘quartz, and’.
(40) Replaced ‘camp fire’ with ‘campfire’. Replaced ‘A old one-legged’ with ‘An old, one-legged’.
(41) Replaced ‘belltower’ with ‘bell-tower’. Replaced ‘come and gather’ with ‘comes and gathers’.
(42) Replaced ‘South-by-south west’ with ‘South by southwest’. Replaced ‘please First Mate’ with ‘please, First Mate’. Replaced ‘the Captain’ with ‘the captain’.
(47) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Replaced ‘As the remnants of his missile fall to the ground you see your own Arrow strike your enemy in the chest and knock him down.’ with ‘The remnants of his missile fall to the ground.’, since you may only arrive at this section if you do not possess a Bow, or if you choose not to use it (cf. Section 238).
(49) Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.
(53) Replaced ‘itikars’ with ‘Itikars’.
(55) Replaced ‘creature who’ with ‘creature that’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’.
(56) Replaced ‘backpack’ with ‘Backpack’. Replaced ‘well-founded’ with ‘well founded’.
(58) Replaced ‘gold crowns’ with ‘Gold Crowns’.
(59) Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced ‘noseguard’ with ‘nose-guard’.
(61) Added a paragraph break between ‘Sommerlund, yes?‘ ’ and ‘You nod’. Replaced ‘master journeyman’ with ‘Master Journeyman’.
(62) Replaced ‘toa-wood’ with ‘toa wood’.
(63) Replaced ‘leader they’ with ‘leader, they’. Replaced ‘isles of Cape Kabar’ with ‘isles off Cape Kabar’ (cf. Section 93 and Section 240).
(64) Added a paragraph break between ‘table.’ and ‘ ‘He’.
(66) Replaced ‘artifact’ with ‘artefact’. Replaced ‘Telegnosis, and’ with ‘Telegnosis and’. Replaced ‘Huntmastery, and’ with ‘Huntmastery and’.
(67) Replaced ‘first mate’ with ‘First Mate’.
(68) Replaced ‘Great Masourn range’ with ‘Great Masourn Range’. Replaced ‘the eagles’ with ‘the Itikars’ in the illustration’s caption. Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’. Replaced ‘Mastery, and’ with ‘Mastery and’. Replaced ‘Bow, and’ with ‘Bow and’.
(69) Replaced ‘gold crown’ with ‘Gold Crown’.
(71) Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.
(72) Replaced ‘Kai mastery’ with ‘Kai Mastery’. Replaced ‘black furred death’ with ‘black-furred death’.
(73) Removed ‘at the front of this book’. Replaced ‘road to wish’ with ‘road you wish’. Replaced ‘To the east it reads: KHOR—100 MILES/BISUTAN—225 MILES. To the south it reads: KONESHI PASS TO BISUTAN—125 MILES’ with ‘To the east it reads, ‘Khor—100 miles / Bisutan—225 miles’. To the south it reads, ‘Koneshi Pass to Bisutan—125 miles’ ’. Replaced ‘the great range’ with ‘that great range’.
(74) Replaced ‘creature who’ with ‘creature that’. Replaced ‘march, then’ with ‘march, and then’. Replaced ‘That’s him,’ with ‘That’s him!’.
(75) Replaced ‘or choose’ with ‘or if you choose’. Replaced ‘tic, then’ with ‘tick; then’. Replaced ‘dead and unconscious’ with ‘dead or unconscious’.
(76) Replaced ‘razor claws’ with ‘razor-sharp claws’.
(77) Replaced ‘Bavari hills’ with ‘Bavari Hills’. Replaced ‘merchant’s goods’ with ‘merchants’ goods’. Replaced ‘Great Masourn mountains’ with ‘Great Masourn Mountains’.
(78) Replaced ‘Magi-magic, and’ with ‘Magi-magic and’. Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’. Replaced ‘Elementalism, and’ with ‘Elementalism and’.
(81) Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.
(82) Replaced ‘Minutes later the’ with ‘Minutes later, the’. Replaced ‘crowd erupt’ with ‘crowd erupts’. Replaced ‘your weapons’ with ‘your Weapons’.
(83) Replaced ‘backpack’ with ‘Backpack’. Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’. Replaced ‘Bardsmanship, and’ with ‘Bardsmanship and’.
(85) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Replaced ‘—Levitation—’ with ‘Levitation’. Replaced ‘effects of spell’ with ‘effects of the spell’.
(88) Added a paragraph break between ‘cut.‘ ’ and ‘As’. Replaced ‘booms Raker, ‘I’ with ‘booms Raker. ‘I’. Replaced ‘the Captain’ with ‘the captain’. Replaced ‘the Captain’s’ with ‘the captain’s’.
(89) Replaced ‘battle sorcery’ with ‘battle-sorcery’. Replaced ‘sixth senses detect’ with ‘Sixth Sense detects’. Replaced ‘Great Masourn mountains’ with ‘Great Masourn Mountains’.
(92) Replaced ‘gold crown’ with ‘Gold Crown’. Replaced ‘bedsheet’ with ‘bed sheet’. Replaced ‘Zuath’ with ‘zuath’.
(95) Replaced ‘four of them’ with ‘three of them’. Replaced ‘in Kirlu’ with ‘on Kirlu’.
(96) Replaced ‘southern Magnamund’ with ‘Southern Magnamund’.
(97) Replaced each occurrence of ‘main mast’ with ‘mainmast’. Replaced ‘rigging, then’ with ‘rigging, and then’. Replaced ‘Magi-magic, and’ with ‘Magi-magic and’. Replaced ‘Elementalism, and’ with ‘Elementalism and’.
(98) Replaced ‘Huntmastery you’ with ‘Huntmastery, you’.
(100) Replaced ‘try and’ with ‘try to’.
(101) Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced ‘quiver’ with ‘Quiver’.
(102) Replaced each occurrence of ‘camp fire’ with ‘campfire’. Replaced ‘Magnakai healing’ with ‘Kai healing’.
(103) Replaced ‘every 1’ with ‘each’.
(104) Replaced ‘Sligh and’ with ‘Sligh, and’. Replaced ‘battle wounds’ with ‘battle-wounds’. Replaced ‘Huntmastery you’ with ‘Huntmastery, you’. Replaced ‘points).’ with ‘points.)’. Replaced ‘the Captain’ with ‘the captain’.
(105) Replaced ‘master Kai’ with ‘Master Kai’.
(106) Replaced ‘tavernkeeper’ with ‘tavern-keeper’. Replaced ‘tavernkeeper’s’ with ‘tavern-keeper’s’. Replaced ‘clomp’ with ‘clomp’.
(107) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Replaced ‘—Levitation—’ with ‘Levitation’.
(109) Replaced each occurrence of ‘Jheni’ with ‘Jhani’. Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’.
(110) Replaced ‘Koneshi mountains’ with ‘Koneshi Mountains’.
(111) Replaced ‘artifacts’ with ‘artefacts’. Replaced ‘belltower’ with ‘bell-tower’. Replaced ‘above, then’ with ‘above, and then’. Replaced ‘half their number search the other alley whilst the remainder stay’ with ‘half their number searches the other alley whilst the remainder stays’.
(113) Replaced ‘animal control’ with ‘Animal Control’.
(115) Replaced ‘Turn to 341’ with ‘Turn to 163’. Section 163 is functionally similar to Section 341, and this brings the formerly orphaned Section 163 back into the game.
(116) Replaced ‘Magician’s Guild’ with ‘Magicians’ Guild’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘grey haired’ with ‘grey-haired’.
(117) Replaced ‘bales and’ with ‘bales, and’. Replaced ‘no longer of use nor value’ with ‘no longer of any use or value’. Replaced ‘record it on your Action Chart as a Special Item which you carry in your backpack’ with ‘record it on your Action Chart as a Special Item.’ as Special Items are not carried in your Backpack (cf. the Equipment section).
(118) Replaced ‘Kai weapon’ with ‘Kai Weapon’.
(121) Replaced ‘Magi-magic, and’ with ‘Magi-magic and’. Replaced ‘Elementalism, and’ with ‘Elementalism and’.
(122) Added a paragraph break between ‘fear.’ and ‘ ‘By’.
(123) Replaced ‘Old Kingdom spell’ with ‘Old Kingdom Spell’. Replaced ‘—Shield—’ with ‘Shield’. Replaced ‘As the splintered wood of the missile falls to the ground, you see your own Arrow strike your would-be killer in the chest and knock him down.’ with ‘The splintered wood of the missile falls to the ground.’, since you may only arrive at this section if you do not possess a Bow, or if you choose not to use it (cf. Section 238).
(126) Replaced ‘Sligh and’ with ‘Sligh, and’. Replaced ‘Come Grand’ with ‘Come, Grand’. Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’. Replaced ‘steeds, and with’ with ‘steeds, with’.
(127) Replaced ‘chicken and’ with ‘chicken, and’. Replaced ‘the Captain’ with ‘the captain’.
(128) Replaced ‘emporiums’ with ‘emporia’.
(129) Replaced ‘sea storms’ with ‘sea-storms’. Replaced ‘rib-cage’ with ‘rib cage’. Replaced ‘rolling clouds’ with ‘roiling clouds’. Replaced ‘orb, then’ with ‘orb; then’.
(131) Replaced ‘men, ‘there’ with ‘men. ‘There’. Replaced ‘rogue, ‘so’ with ‘rogue. ‘So’. Replaced ‘with this he’ with ‘with this, he’.
(133) Replaced ‘astrology’ with ‘Astrology’.
(134) Replaced ‘Skull and’ with ‘Skull, and’. Replaced ‘details of your’ with ‘details on your’.
(135) Replaced ‘northlander’ with ‘Northlander’.
(136) Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced ‘quiver’ with ‘Quiver’. Replaced ‘add 3’ with ‘remember to add 5’ in harmony with the Collector’s Edition.
(137) Replaced ‘Huntmastery you’ with ‘Huntmastery, you’.
(138) Added a paragraph break between ‘you say.’ and ‘He looks’. Replaced ‘crowns’ with ‘Crowns’. Replaced ‘good-night’ with ‘goodnight’.
(139) Replaced ‘look-out’ with ‘lookout’. Replaced ‘a host of screaming warriors are’ with ‘a host of screaming warriors is’.
(140) Replaced ‘your weapons’ with ‘your Weapons’.
(141) Replaced each occurrence of ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Replaced ‘—Lightning Hand—’ with ‘Lightning Hand’. Replaced ‘—Levitation—’ with ‘Levitation’. Replaced ‘itikar’ with ‘Itikar’.
(142) Replaced ‘Scented oil’ with ‘Scented Oil’. Replaced ‘Copper cup’ with ‘Copper Cup’. Replaced ‘Ball of chalk’ with ‘Ball of Chalk’. Replaced ‘horses, then’ with ‘horses, and then’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘mhaktis’ with ‘mhaktis’. Added ‘(3 Candles or 3 Arrows are respectively considered as 1 item)’ inharmony with the Collector’s Edition.
(143) Replaced ‘Kai weapon’ with ‘Kai Weapon’. Replaced ‘accordingly and’ with ‘accordingly, and’. Added ‘If you have no normal Weapons or fewer than two Backpack Items, you may choose to substitute Special Items at your discretion.’ in harmony with the Collector’s Edition.
(146) Replaced ‘market-place’ with ‘marketplace’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘market-square’ with ‘market square’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘script: Bir Rabalou—160 miles’ with ‘script: ‘Bir Rabalou—160 miles’ ’. Replaced ‘You, too, are’ with ‘You too are’.
(148) Replaced ‘sea-bass’ with ‘sea bass’.
(149) Replaced each occurrence of ‘camp fire’ with ‘campfire’. Replaced ‘and with’ with ‘And with’. Replaced ‘with this he’ with ‘with this, he’.
(150) Replaced ‘Welcome my’ with ‘Welcome, my’. Replaced ‘Sesketera, have’ with ‘Sesketera have’. Replaced ‘After having heard’ with ‘Having heard’.
(151) Replaced ‘weapons’ with ‘Weapons’. Replaced ‘Short sword’ with ‘Short Sword’. Added dashes to the list between the items and their cost (cf. Section 62).
(152) Replaced ‘Koneshi mountains’ with ‘Koneshi Mountains’. Replaced ‘an inn and’ with ‘an inn, and’. Replaced ‘accordingly and’ with ‘accordingly, and’. Replaced ‘mhaktis’ with ‘mhaktis’.
(153) Replaced ‘Zuath’ with ‘zuath’.
(154) Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’.
(157) Replaced ‘Kai mastery’ with ‘Kai Mastery’.
(158) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Replaced ‘The Captain’ with ‘The captain’.
(159) Replaced ‘few miles to the north’ with ‘few miles to the south’ in line with Section 179. Replaced ‘Great Masourn mountain range’ with ‘Great Masourn Mountain Range’.
(160) Replaced ‘hoofs’ with ‘hooves’.
(161) Replaced ‘message: Rooms—2 Gold Crowns nightly, and’ with ‘message ‘Rooms—2 Gold Crowns nightly’, and’.
(163) Replaced ‘Great Masourn mountains’ with ‘Great Masourn Mountains’. Replaced ‘Jheni’ with ‘Jhani’.
(164) Replaced ‘weapons’ with ‘Weapons’.
(165) Replaced ‘falls, then’ with ‘falls, and then’. Replaced ‘crew attempt’ with ‘crew attempts’. Replaced ‘Fernant and’ with ‘Fernant, and’. Replaced ‘he says’ with ‘Fernant says’.
(166) Replaced ‘crowns’ with ‘Crowns’.
(168) Replaced ‘itikars’ with ‘Itikars’.
(170) Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced ‘add 3’ with ‘remember to add 5’ in harmony with the Collector’s Edition.
(172) Replaced ‘driftwood and’ with ‘driftwood, and’. Replaced ‘six crowns’ with ‘six Crowns’.
(174) Replaced ‘script yet’ with ‘script, yet’.
(175) Added a paragraph break between ‘fighter.‘ ’ and ‘It’. Replaced ‘vassa’ with ‘Vassa’. Added a paragraph break between ‘Malduz.‘ ’ and ‘ ‘We’ll’. Replaced ‘neck, then’ with ‘neck, and then’. Replaced ‘chamber of the font’ with ‘Chamber of the Font’.
(176) Replaced ‘first mate’ with ‘First Mate’. Replaced ‘say, ‘it’ with ‘say. ‘It’. Replaced ‘the Captain’ with ‘the captain’. Replaced ‘the Captain’s’ with ‘the captain’s’. Replaced ‘the Sergeant’s’ with ‘the sergeant’s’. Replaced ‘the Sergeant’ with ‘the sergeant’.
(177) Replaced ‘belltower’ with ‘bell-tower’. Replaced ‘Huntmastery, or’ with ‘Huntmastery or’.
(179) Replaced ‘Great Masourn mountains’ with ‘Great Masourn Mountains’. Replaced ‘engine sputters into life’ with ‘engine splutters into life’. Replaced ‘A tangle of metal pipes and brass cylinders hang’ with ‘A tangle of metal pipes and brass cylinders hangs’. Replaced ‘Grand Huntmastery and Telegnosis’ with ‘Grand Huntmastery and Telegnosis’. Replaced ‘your weapons’ with ‘your Weapons’.
(180) Replaced ‘Bavari hills’ with ‘Bavari Hills’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘camp fire’ with ‘campfire’. Replaced ‘en route’ with ‘en route’. Replaced ‘arrives there they’ with ‘arrives there, they’. Replaced ‘Temejun’s’ with ‘Temujun’s’. Replaced ‘camp fire’ with ‘campfire’ in the illustration’s caption.
(181) Replaced ‘notice-board’ with ‘notice board’. Replaced ‘clay tiled’ with ‘clay-tiled’. Replaced ‘paddocks and’ with ‘paddocks, and’.
(182) Replaced ‘every 1’ with ‘each’.
(183) Replaced ‘erase 3’ with ‘deduct 3’.
(186) Replaced ‘north-eastern’ with ‘northeastern’. Replaced ‘Great Masourn mountains’ with ‘Great Masourn Mountains’.
(187) Replaced ‘Magi-magic, and’ with ‘Magi-magic and’. Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’.
(189) Replaced ‘pursuer’s torches’ with ‘pursuers’ torches’.
(190) Replaced ‘backpack’ with ‘Backpack’.
(191) Replaced ‘men, ‘there’ with ‘men. ‘There’. Replaced ‘rogue, ‘so’ with ‘rogue. ‘So’. Replaced ‘with this he’ with ‘with this, he’.
(192) Replaced ‘Old Kingdom spell’ with ‘Old Kingdom Spell’. Replaced ‘—Shield—’ with ‘Shield’.
(194) Replaced ‘gold crown’ with ‘Gold Crown’. Replaced ‘bedsheet’ with ‘bed sheet’. Replaced ‘Zuath’ with ‘zuath’.
(195) Replaced ‘slaver; he’ with ‘slaver: he’.
(200) Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’. Replaced ‘Elementalism, and’ with ‘Elementalism and’. Replaced ‘Bow, and’ with ‘Bow and’.
(201) Replaced ‘Crown and’ with ‘Crown, and’. Replaced ‘details of your’ with ‘details on your’.
(204) Replaced ‘Your weapon barely clears its scabbard before’ with ‘You barely have time to raise your weapon before’ as the previous section (Section 177) states: ‘ … you raise your weapon in readiness to strike out … ’.
(205) Replaced ‘first mate’ with ‘First Mate’.
(207) Replaced ‘Dessi capital’ with ‘Dessian capital’.
(208) Replaced ‘gold crown’ with ‘Gold Crown’. Replaced ‘one weapon instead’ with ‘one Weapon instead’. Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’. Replaced ‘and, with a flick of your heel, you leave’ with ‘and—with a flick of your heel—leave’.
(211) Replaced ‘Dessi uplands’ with ‘Dessian uplands’. Replaced ‘Elementalism, and’ with ‘Elementalism and’. Replaced ‘Nexus, and’ with ‘Nexus and’.
(212) Replaced ‘Sligh and’ with ‘Sligh, and’. Replaced ‘Come Grand’ with ‘Come, Grand’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘steeds, and with’ with ‘steeds, and’.
(213) Replaced ‘itikar’ with ‘Itikar’. Replaced ‘backpack’ with ‘Backpack’. Replaced ‘Huntmastery you’ with ‘Huntmastery, you’.
(214) Replaced ‘market-square’ with ‘market square’. Replaced ‘nightimes’ with ‘nights’.
(215) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Replaced ‘—Counterspell—’ with ‘Counterspell’.
(216) Replaced ‘crowns’ with ‘Crowns’. Replaced ‘good-night’ with ‘goodnight’.
(217) Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’. Replaced ‘under way’ with ‘underway’.
(218) Replaced ‘Kai mastery’ with ‘Kai Mastery’. Replaced ‘mountainside yet’ with ‘mountainside, yet’.
(219) Replaced ‘crown piece’ with ‘Gold Crown’. Replaced ‘mhaktis’ with ‘mhaktis’.
(220) Replaced ‘itikars’ with ‘Itikars’. Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’. Replaced ‘Mastery, and’ with ‘Mastery and’. Replaced ‘Bow, and’ with ‘Bow and’.
(221) Replaced each occurrence of ‘backpack’ with ‘Backpack’.
(222) Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.
(223) Replaced ‘growl, then’ with ‘growl; then’.
(224) Replaced ‘pink-leafed’ with ‘pink-leaved’.
(225) Replaced ‘Kai skills’ with ‘Magnakai skills’. Replaced ‘Nexus and curing’ with ‘Nexus and Curing’.
(226) Replaced ‘clifftop’ with ‘cliff-top’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’.
(228) Replaced ‘camp fire’ with ‘campfire’.
(229) Replaced ‘Kai mastery’ with ‘Kai Mastery’.
(231) Replaced ‘moments, then’ with ‘moments, and then’.
(232) Replaced ‘tavernkeeper’ with ‘tavern-keeper’. Replaced ‘agree his’ with ‘agree to his’.
(233) Replaced ‘artifacts’ with ‘artefacts’. Replaced ‘belltower’ with ‘bell-tower’. Replaced ‘above, then’ with ‘above, and then’. Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’. Replaced ‘backpack’ with ‘Backpack’.
(234) Replaced each occurrence of ‘camp fire’ with ‘campfire’.
(235) Replaced ‘Fryelund forest’ with ‘Fryelund Forest’. Replaced ‘first mate’ with ‘First Mate’. Replaced ‘elite’ with ‘élite’. Replaced ‘Here await’ with ‘Here awaits’.
(236) Replaced ‘market-square’ with ‘market square’. Replaced ‘backpack’ with ‘Backpack’.
(238) Replaced ‘sixth senses scream’ with ‘Sixth Sense screams’. Replaced ‘Bow, and’ with ‘Bow and’.
(241) Replaced ‘camp fire’ with ‘campfire’. Replaced ‘acrobatics and’ with ‘acrobatics, and’.
(242) Replaced ‘while away’ with ‘wile away’. Replaced ‘Flomi’ with ‘flomi’.
(243) Replaced ‘Erase Cowana’ with ‘Erase the Cowana’. Replaced ‘backpack’ with ‘Backpack’.
(244) Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced ‘add 3’ with ‘remember to add 5’ in harmony with the Collector’s Edition.
(247) Replaced ‘yourself, then turn to 108’ with ‘yourself, turn to 108’. Replaced ‘the Captain’ with ‘the captain’. Replaced ‘party, and’ with ‘party and’.
(249) Replaced ‘while away’ with ‘wile away’. Replaced ‘Flomi’ with ‘flomi’.
(250) Replaced ‘try and’ with ‘try to’. Replaced ‘merchant’s stalls’ with ‘merchants’ stalls’. Replaced ‘naivety’ with ‘naïveté’.
(251) Replaced ‘gaily dressed’ with ‘gaily-dressed’. Replaced ‘inlayed’ with ‘inlaid’.
(252) Replaced ‘Barczak stables’ with ‘Barczak Stables’. Replaced ‘hoofs’ with ‘hooves’. Replaced ‘dull clang’ with ‘dull clang’.
(255) Added a paragraph break between ‘old days.‘ ’ and ‘Kol then’.
(256) Replaced ‘artifacts’ with ‘artefacts’. Replaced ‘belltower’ with ‘bell-tower’. Replaced ‘above, then’ with ‘above, and then’. Replaced ‘half their number search the other alley whilst the remainder stay’ with ‘half their number searches the other alley whilst the remainder stays’.
(257) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’.
(258) Replaced ‘out!’, and cocks’ with ‘out!’ He cocks’.
(259) Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’.
(262) Replaced ‘Huntmastery you’ with ‘Huntmastery, you’. Replaced ‘good-night’ with ‘goodnight’.
(263) Added a paragraph break between ‘attacking ship.’ and ‘Pick a’. Replaced ‘first mate’ with ‘First Mate’.
(264) Replaced ‘artifact’ with ‘artefact’. Replaced ‘eyes, then’ with ‘eyes; then’.
(265) Replaced ‘feet and’ with ‘feet, and’.
(266) Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘weapon’ with ‘Weapon’.
(267) Replaced ‘animal mastery’ with ‘Animal Mastery’.
(268) Replaced ‘crowd roar’ with ‘crowd roars’. Replaced ‘crowd erupt’ with ‘crowd erupts’.
(269) Replaced ‘rib-cage’ with ‘rib cage’. Replaced ‘orb, then’ with ‘orb; then’.
(271) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Added a paragraph break between ‘machines.‘ ’ and ‘He looks’. Replaced ‘Alas, t’is’ with ‘Alas, ’tis’. Replaced ‘Sommlending aren’t’ with ‘Sommlending, aren’t’. Replaced ‘good-night’ with ‘goodnight’.
(272) Replaced ‘coins, ‘I’ll’ with ‘coins. ‘I’ll’. Replaced ‘backpack’ with ‘Backpack’.
(273) Replaced ‘symbols yet’ with ‘symbols, yet’. Replaced ‘legible for’ with ‘legible, for’. Replaced ‘wharfs’ with ‘wharves’. Replaced ‘bang’ with ‘bang’.
(274) Replaced ‘look-out’ with ‘lookout’. Replaced ‘a host of screaming warriors are’ with ‘a host of screaming warriors is’.
(275) Removed ‘at the front of this book’. Replaced ‘To the east is reads: KHOR—100 MILES/BISUTAN—225 MILES. To the south it reads: KONESHI PASS TO BISUTAN—125 MILES.’ with ‘To the east it reads, ‘Khor—100 miles / Bisutan—225 miles’. To the south it reads, ‘Koneshi Pass to Bisutan—125 miles’.’. Replaced ‘the great range’ with ‘that great range’.
(276) Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’.
(277) Replaced ‘every 1’ with ‘each’.
(278) Replaced ‘first mate’ with ‘First Mate’.
(279) Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘weapon’ with ‘Weapon’.
(281) Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’. Replaced ‘the Captain’ with ‘the captain’.
(282) Replaced ‘queuing’ with ‘queueing’. Replaced ‘learned sage the’ with ‘learned sage, the’. Replaced ‘mhaktis’ with ‘mhaktis’.
(285) Replaced ‘Quick men!’ with ‘Quick, men!’ Replaced ‘lieutenant, ‘follow me.’ with ‘lieutenant. ‘Follow me!’.
(286) Replaced ‘Kai mastery’ with ‘Kai Mastery’. Replaced ‘crowd immediately lose’ with ‘crowd immediately loses’.
(287) Replaced ‘south-easterly’ with ‘northeasterly’ as a southeasterly wind would be an unfavorable head wind from the Lakuri Isles to Barrakeesh, since wind direction is based on where the wind originates. Replaced ‘look-out’ with ‘lookout’. Replaced ‘two-storeyed’ with ‘two-storey’. Replaced ‘one pair take’ with ‘one pair takes’.
(288) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Replaced ‘of Mind Charm’ with ‘Mind Charm’. Replaced ‘sea storms’ with ‘sea-storms’.
(289) Replaced ‘market-square’ with ‘market square’. Replaced ‘slaver; he’ with ‘slaver: he’.
(290) Replaced ‘sparkling waters’ with ‘sparkling water’. Replaced ‘disgrace and sometimes death awaits’ with ‘disgrace and sometimes death await’.
(291) Replaced ‘you and’ with ‘you, and’. Replaced ‘leads to this room’ with ‘leads to a room’.
(294) Replaced ‘clifftop’ with ‘cliff-top’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’.
(295) Replaced ‘dark deserted’ with ‘dark, deserted’.
(296) Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.
(297) Replaced ‘black furred death’ with ‘black-furred death’ in the section and in the illustration’s caption. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’.
(298) Replaced ‘Skull and’ with ‘Skull, and’. Replaced ‘details of your’ with ‘details on your’. Replaced ‘disappointed; he’ with ‘disappointed: he’.
(299) Replaced ‘Magi-magic, and’ with ‘Magi-magic and’. Replaced ‘Elementalism, and’ with ‘Elementalism and’.
(302) Replaced ‘Kai weapon’ with ‘Kai Weapon’.
(303) Replaced ‘Old Kingdom spell’ with ‘Old Kingdom Spell’. Replaced ‘—Invisible Shield—’ with ‘Shield’.
(304) Replaced ‘hisses, ‘you’ with ‘hisses. ‘You’.
(306) Replaced ‘look-out’ with ‘lookout’. Replaced ‘South-by-south west’ with ‘South by southwest’. Added a paragraph break between ‘a Kai.‘ ’ and ‘Lowering his’. Replaced ‘please First Mate’ with ‘please, First Mate’. Replaced ‘men o’war’ with ‘men-o’-war’.
(307) Replaced ‘effects of your Kai Discipline causes’ with ‘effects of your Kai Discipline cause’. Replaced ‘exciting wasn’t it’ with ‘exciting, wasn’t it’.
(310) Replaced ‘artifacts’ with ‘artefacts’. Replaced ‘one (or more)’ with ‘any’.
(311) Replaced ‘first mate’ with ‘First Mate’. Replaced ‘the Captain’s’ with ‘the captain’s’. Replaced ‘the Captain’ with ‘the captain’. Replaced ‘the Sergeant’s’ with ‘the sergeant’s’. Replaced ‘the Sergeant’ with ‘the sergeant’.
(314) Replaced ‘sight like’ with ‘sight, like’.
(315) Replaced ‘Bow, and’ with ‘Bow and’.
(317) Replaced ‘as a Backpack Item’ with ‘as Backpack Items’.
(318) Replaced ‘crowd are’ with ‘crowd is’. Replaced ‘crowd immediately lose’ with ‘crowd immediately loses’.
(321) Replaced ‘blood-shot’ with ‘bloodshot’. Added ‘(If you do not have enough Gold Crowns, you may choose to barter a normal Weapon, Backpack Item, or Special Item at your discretion to buy a Standard room.)’ in harmony with the Collector’s Edition.
(322) Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced ‘add 3’ with ‘remember to add 5’ in harmony with the Collector’s Edition.
(323) Replaced ‘hands and’ with ‘hands, and’. Replaced ‘mhaktis’ with ‘mhaktis’.
(324) Replaced ‘Laumspur’ with ‘Potion of Laumspur’. Replaced ‘Gallowbrush’ with ‘Potion of Gallowbrush’. Replaced ‘Alether’ with ‘Potion of Alether’. Replaced ‘Use only once’ with ‘One use only’. Replaced ‘placeboes’ with ‘placebos’.
(325) Replaced ‘animal control’ with ‘Animal Control’.
(326) Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.
(328) Replaced ‘Jheni’ with ‘Jhani’. Replaced ‘your weapons’ with ‘your Weapons’. Replaced ‘(erase 10 Gold Crowns from your Action Chart)’ with ‘(erase 10 Gold Crowns from your Action Chart. If you have fewer than 10 Gold Crowns, you give all of your remaining Crowns to the tavern-keeper’s wife)’ in harmony with the Collector’s Edition.
(330) Replaced ‘fruits and’ with ‘fruits, and’.
(331) Replaced ‘ice-cool’ with ‘ice cool’. Replaced ‘counter-attack’ with ‘counterattack’. Replaced ‘bite, then’ with ‘bite; then’.
(333) Replaced ‘four of them’ with ‘three of them’. Replaced ‘in Kirlu’ with ‘on Kirlu’.
(334) Replaced ‘tavernkeeper’ with ‘tavern-keeper’. Replaced ‘hay loft’ with ‘hay-loft’.
(335) Replaced ‘main mast’ with ‘mainmast’.
(336) Replaced ‘market-place’ with ‘marketplace’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘market-square’ with ‘market square’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘script: Bir Rabalou—160 miles’ with ‘script: ‘Bir Rabalou—160 miles’ ’. Replaced ‘You, too, are’ with ‘You too are’.
(337) Replaced each occurrence of ‘river-bank’ with ‘river bank’. Replaced ‘disbelief, then’ with ‘disbelief, and then’. Replaced ‘4 or lower’ to ‘2 or lower’. Replaced ‘5 or higher’ with ‘8 or higher’. Added ‘If it is 3 or 4, turn to 196.’ and ‘If it is 5–7, turn to 256.’. These changes bring the formerly orphaned Sections 196 and 256 back into the game.
(338) Replaced ‘Backpack item’ with ‘Backpack Item’.
(339) Replaced ‘Kai mastery’ with ‘Kai Mastery’.
(340) Replaced ‘isles of Cape Kabar’ with ‘isles off Cape Kabar’ (cf. Section 93 and Section 240). Replaced ‘weapon’ with ‘Weapon’.
(341) Replaced ‘Great Masourn mountains’ with ‘Great Masourn Mountains’. Replaced ‘Jheni’ with ‘Jhani’.
(344) Replaced ‘market-place’ with ‘marketplace’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘market-square’ with ‘market square’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘script: Bir Rabalou—160 miles’ with ‘script: ‘Bir Rabalou—160 miles’ ’. Replaced ‘You, too, are’ with ‘You too are’.
(345) Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced ‘add 3’ with ‘remember to add 5’ in harmony with the Collector’s Edition.
(346) Replaced ‘crown coin’ with ‘Gold Crown’. Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’. Replaced ‘and, with a flick of your heel, you leave’ with ‘and—with a flick of your heel—leave’.
(348) Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.
(349) Replaced ‘Huntmastery you’ with ‘Huntmastery, you’. Replaced ‘good-night’ with ‘goodnight’.
(350) Replaced ‘Congratulations Grand’ with ‘Congratulations, Grand’. Italicised ‘Lone Wolf New Order’ when referring to the series.
(Map) Replaced ‘15’ with ‘25’ on the Scale in Miles.
(Combat Rules Summary) Replaced ‘Items or’ with ‘ Items, or’. Replaced ‘falls to 0’ with ‘falls to 0 or below’. Replaced ‘Pick number from’ with ‘Pick a number from the’. Replaced ‘Turn to Combat’ with ‘Turn to the Combat’. Replaced ‘to random number’ with ‘to the random number’. Replaced ‘when ENDURANCE’ with ‘when the ENDURANCE’.