Voyage of the Moonstone


It is noon of the following day when eventually you emerge from the Koneshi Mountains and catch your first exciting glimpse of the great city of Bisutan, seated upon an island in the estuary of the River Khorda. With an air of expectation you follow the mountain road as it meanders down through sagebrush hills until, at dusk, you finally reach a titanic stone bridge that spans the shimmering waters of the Khorda. This mighty bridge has for centuries carried a flow of traders to and from a towering gatehouse which is set into the city’s protective wall.

It is not the custom of Bisutan’s city guards to stop travellers without good reason, for here the merchants of all Magnamund meet to haggle and trade and barter their cargoes. With a courteous smile they allow you to pass through their great gate and enter their magnificent city.

Turn to 250.

Project AonVoyage of the Moonstone