Voyage of the Moonstone


‘There’s no such place!’ says the rogue, and his eyes widen with fear.

‘By the gods! He does not know the name of his own capital!’ gasps one of his companions. His mouth drops open and he fumbles to unsheathe his sword. Suddenly it seems that everyone in the tavern is gripped by an inexplicable madness. The rogue pulls a dagger from his belt and attempts to stab you, but you turn his clumsy thrust aside with your forearm and knock him to the floor as you leap out of your seat. Two of the others try to strike you simultaneously with their swords and you duck below their blades. They strike each other and fall back, screaming and clutching at their wounds. A thrown bottle catches you a glancing blow to the head as you run for the door (lose 2 ENDURANCE points), but you manage to pull it open and escape into the darkening street without further injury. However, to your dismay you discover that your horse Jhani has disappeared. Two men brandishing swords appear in the doorway behind you and swiftly you sprint along the street. You use your Kai camouflage skills to evade them and they quickly give up the chase.

Turn to 295.

Project AonVoyage of the Moonstone