Captain Raker eagerly devours a hearty breakfast which consists of black bread, cold chicken, and spiced mead. Between mouthfuls he tells you that his orders are to take you to Bisutan after docking at Barrakeesh to pick up Lord-lieutenant Fernant. He believes that you are carrying state documents for Fernant’s eyes only. He has transported Kai journeymen and messengers before and you are satisfied that he does not suspect the true purpose of your journey.
Raker is looking forward to completing the voyage. In addition to the fee he has pocketed for your passage, he is also carrying a cargo of wheat and timber destined for delivery to a rich Vassagonian merchant in Bisutan. For him this voyage promises to be very profitable indeed. Unfortunately the captain is notoriously tight-fisted when it comes to spending his money. He even expects you to pay for the meal! Before you leave the tavern and return with him to the ship, you must pay the innkeeper for both breakfasts (erase 2 Gold Crowns from your Action Chart).
To continue, turn to 176.