You stare across the ocean at the banks of angry clouds which are growing larger and darker with every passing minute. You sense that within them are tremendous natural forces that are building up at a dangerous rate. You feel certain that the presence of the Moonstone is partially responsible for this, although these waters are notorious for their sudden and violent sea-storms.
Gradually the temperature drops and the gentle undulation of the waves grows fiercer. The wind becomes a gale and the azure sky grows darker and darker, until the sun is lost from view and the ship is shrouded by a deep grey twilight. Soon lightning is the only source of illumination. It tears the roiling clouds and transforms the sea into an angry beast that lashes and batters the ship with a supernatural fury. Then the darkness is obliterated by a great curtain of white fire. Tongues of flame lance down, boiling the sea where they strike the surface and sending up great clouds of steam in their wake. Miraculously these terrifying bolts of power miss the ship, but soon they are rivalled in their ferocity by another terrifying force that is battling to free itself from this hellish storm.
A hundred balls of dancing fire fall from the clouds like a shower of blazing meteors. One such meteor strikes the helmsman who is struggling with the ship’s wheel, and it engulfs him. For a few dreadful moments his head and chest are contained within a roaring yellow orb; then the burning ball is caught by the wind and it spins away into the darkness. The crew scream with terror when they look upon their comrade, for his upper body has been transformed into a blackened and fleshless skull that perches precariously upon a hollow, smoking rib cage.
Panic grips the Vassagonian sailors. They abandon their posts and rush to seek shelter below decks in the crowded cargo hold. You are trying to rally them when suddenly a ball of flame drops from the raging skies and comes hurtling down towards your head.
If you possess the Grand Master Discipline of Elementalism, turn to 197.
If you do not possess this skill, turn to 51.