An hour passes before your turn comes to enter Temujun’s tent. Awaiting you inside is an old man swathed in a silk robe. He wears a jewel-encrusted collar and a large blue turban that is wrapped impeccably around his frail head. He is seated cross-legged on a mound of pillows and he cradles a sphere of rose-coloured crystal in his lap.
Without once looking up from his crystal sphere he tells you to sit opposite him and place any weapons you may be carrying on the floor beside you. When you comply with his wishes he closes his eyes and begins to concentrate. A few moments later he opens them and stares at your satchel with a look of shocked surprise; you sense at once that he has detected the presence of the Moonstone. The frail old man begins to shake and beads of sweat trickle down his wrinkled face. For a moment his eyes widen and then he faints and falls backwards among his pillows.
If you wish to attempt to revive the old man, turn to 102.
If you choose instead to pick up your Weapons and leave the tent, turn to 149.