Swiftly you recite the words of the Old Kingdom Spell Shield and immediately a transparent disc of magical protection forms in front of your eyes. Seconds later, Svolta’s arrow strikes this sorcerous shield and shatters to pieces. The slaver and his archer cannot believe what they have seen and for a few vital seconds they stand frozen in stunned disbelief. You seize this advantage and rush towards the platform with the hope of catching them before they regain their senses yet, as you make your leap, you see the archer drop his bow and reach for his sword. His blade clears its scabbard barely a second before you make your attack, yet he is able to turn aside your first blow. The skill with which he handles his blade leaves you in no doubt that you are facing an expert swordsman. Frightened slaves throw themselves off the platform as you and Svolta begin a desperate fight to the death.
You may add 2 to your COMBAT SKILL in the first round of this fight, due to the momentum of your attack.
If you win the combat, turn to 212.