Voyage of the Moonstone


You press yourself flat against your horse’s neck and listen with dread as the archer’s arrow buzzes towards you like an angry hornet. Then you feel an agonizing pain in your side as its razor-sharp tip penetrates your rib cage: lose 5 ENDURANCE points.

A wave of nausea and dizziness washes over you, making you relinquish your grip on the rope reins. You fight against the mounting pain to stay conscious but this is one battle you do not win. Darkness engulfs your vision and, as you lose consciousness, you slip and fall from your horse to crash upon the dusty avenue.

You regain consciousness almost immediately and manage to drag yourself into a kneeling position. The marines race past on their horses, but they have seen you fall and they rein their steeds to a halt just as quickly as they are able. Gritting your teeth against the expected pain, you jerk the arrow from your side and hurl it away. Your natural Kai curing skills help to deaden the agony of your wound and slow the bleeding, but they cannot prevent the archer who fired the arrow from placing a second shaft to his bow. Your Sixth Sense screams a warning and you look up to see him standing less than twenty yards away. Coolly he raises his bow and smiles as he gets ready to finish you off once and for all.

If you possess a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 136.

If you do not, turn to 187.

Project AonVoyage of the Moonstone