Voyage of the Moonstone


‘The Funtal’s a madman!’ splutters Kol. ‘All those poor fools who got took away last night are goin’ to lose their cargoes, or their gold, or their ships. You mark my words. I’d not be surprised if some o’ them lose their lives into the bargain. It’s not safe here no more. Not like the old days.’

Kol then proceeds to wash down his hearty breakfast with a tankard of ale. He pauses to emit a long loud belch, and then he repeats his offer of a place aboard his ship which sails for Bisutan at noon. The marines do not object to you leaving them if you so wish. Should you decide to continue your journey to Elzian without them, they will attempt to sell your horse and use the money to buy passage aboard the next ship heading north.

If you now choose to accept Kol’s offer, turn to 119.

If you decide to stay with your travelling companions and continue your journey south with them by road, turn to 73.

Project AonVoyage of the Moonstone