The crowd roars with excitement the moment you strike your killing blow. Dromodon staggers back, blood trickling freely from his mouth, and he spits a curse with his dying breath before crashing to the sand. The crowd erupts with wild elation and the guardsmen are hard pressed to keep them from rushing headlong into the arena. Dromodon’s corpse is dragged unceremoniously away and, amidst the screams and cheers, you are ushered before Torvax. He praises you for your fighting skill and bravery and he offers you the post of principal of his gladiator school in Ferufezan. Politely you decline. It is customary for the winner of the final combat of the circus to be granted one request, and you ask that you may be allowed to go free. Torvax nods in agreement. He is grieved by the loss of his warrior-slave Malduz, but he does not hold you responsible for his death.
Before he instructs his men to escort you to the gates of the arena and let you go free, he hands you a silk pouch containing 20 Gold Crowns. (If you had a Bow confiscated before the combat with Dromodon, this is returned to you on your way out of the arena.)
To continue, turn to 128.