You fight to stay on his back but you lose grip of the rope reins and he throws you off. The moment you hit the dirt, he bolts forward and gallops over the crest of the rockfall. Shaken but otherwise unharmed, you scramble to your feet and chase after him. The first boulders are beginning to smash down around you as you scurry to the top of the mound and leap feet-first over the far side. Half-blinded by dust, you slide and roll until you feel something heavy hit the back of your head and you are plunged into a dark oblivion.
When you regain consciousness, your head is aching viciously (lose 5 ENDURANCE points) and your legs are buried beneath a mound of dust and loose shale. You are bruised all over your body but fortunately you have sustained no broken bones. Slowly and painfully you dig yourself free with your bare hands. When you are able to pull yourself to your feet, to your surprise you see your horse is standing, unharmed, less than twenty yards away along the mountain trail. You hobble towards him and pull yourself onto his back.