The basket lurches as the effects of your Kai Discipline cause the balloon to veer away from the mountainside. It misses the outcrop with but a few feet to spare. Yranai manages to regain control of the engine and he steers the craft back towards the middle of the pass, to where the thermal currents are less volatile.
As you emerge from the high mountain pass, you enter denser and more stable air that cushions your flight and soon all trace of turbulence is left behind.
‘Well, that was exciting, wasn’t it!’ says Yranai, ruefully. It takes a great deal of self-control not to throttle the old man for his incompetence, but you keep your hands firmly on the rail and you force a smile. Silently you vow never to fly with him again.
You are looking forward to setting your feet down safely on firm ground when you see something in the distance that fills you with unease.