Voyage of the Moonstone


As you step into this dusty little shop you are hit by a cocktail of aromas that literally take your breath away. You cough to clear your throat of the sickly taste left by these pungent smells, and suddenly the owner of this shop appears in a doorway behind the back counter. He thinks that you are trying to attract his attention.

A quick scan of the shelves tells your experienced eye that there are no herbs of great value or interest here. Most of the potions on display are placebos and quack remedies. However, as you turn to leave, the herbalist produces a black box which he opens for your inspection. Inside are the following potions:

  • Potion of Laumspur: restores 4 ENDURANCE points when consumed after combat.
  • Potion of Gallowbrush: induces sleep for one to two hours.
  • Potion of Alether: increases COMBAT SKILL by 2. One use only.

All of the above potions cost 3 Gold Crowns. If you wish to purchase one or more of them, adjust your Action Chart accordingly.

To leave the shop, turn to 17.

Project AonVoyage of the Moonstone