The pirate leader gasps his last breath and then crashes lifelessly to the deck. For a few moments his men stand transfixed with shock, as if they are unable to comprehend that he is truly dead. Then the reality of their loss crashes in upon them and they become overwhelmed by the worst of their fears. Leaderless and alone, they scream like frightened children and discard their weapons and armour in their haste to escape from your ship.
Captain Raker orders his surviving crew members to cut the grappling lines which hold the two vessels together. When the last rope is severed there is a great rending of iron and timber as the ram of the pirate ship wrenches itself free from The Pride of Sommerlund’s port side. Then a cheer resounds from the mouths of those Sommlending who have survived this desperate battle when they see the enemy ship turn about and flee for the safety of the isles off Cape Kabar. (You may now retrieve any Weapon lost during the course of the battle.)
To continue, turn to 281.