You enter this musty emporium and cast your experienced eye across its shelves and glass-fronted cabinets. A toothless old crone is standing behind a toa wood counter and she bids you welcome. As you walk around the shop she watches you like a hawk.
Most of her wares appear to be second-hand items of little value or practical use. Of all the thousands of things that are crammed into this shop, only the following catch your eye:
- Rope—3 Gold Crowns
- Blanket—2 Gold Crowns
- Hourglass—3 Gold Crowns
- Tinderbox—2 Gold Crowns
- Spyglass—2 Gold Crowns
If you wish to purchase one or more of the above Backpack Items, remember to adjust your Action Chart accordingly.
To leave the shop, turn to 17.