The door bangs open against the wall and a loud screech echoes from your room. This painfully sharp noise makes you raise your weapon defensively but, as you prepare to strike a blow, you suddenly see a startled cat come hurtling through the doorway. You smile to yourself and sheathe your weapon as you watch the terrified cat scurry along the corridor amidst a cloud of dust and loose fur.
The room itself is shabby but clean. You take off your cloak and equipment, wash from a cracked porcelain bowl, and then sit down on the threadbare mattress which serves as a bed. Now your thoughts return to your mission, and while you are pondering what may yet lie in store for you on the road to Elzian, you open the satchel containing the Moonstone and bathe in the warm glow which radiates from this wondrous artefact.
Suddenly there is a knock on your door. The sound gives you a start and quickly you buckle the satchel and stow it under the mattress.
If you possess Telegnosis and wish to use it, turn to 229.
If you possess Grand Huntmastery and wish to use it, turn to 339.
If you possess neither of these skills, or if you choose not to use them, turn to 25.