The woman leads you through the shabby streets of Masama to her house on the boundary of the town’s wealthy quarter. It is a two-storey dwelling, modest in comparison to others nearby yet richly appointed, with servants, a stable, and a fragrant orchard of guyan trees. You are ushered upstairs to where a young girl lies in a darkened room. She has a fever and a sickly grey pallor that makes her look more than twice her age. You recognize at once that she is suffering from Mysua. It is a disease that is spread by swamp flies and is not uncommon among the jungle-dwellers of Shadaki.
Using your Magnakai Curing skills, and aided by the presence of the Moonstone, you are able to neutralise the infection that has ravaged this young girl’s body. Within a few hours her fever has disappeared and a healthy colour returns to her face. She shows every sign they she will make a complete recovery. Her mother is overjoyed and she thanks you repeatedly. She insists that you stay here as her guest and she provides you with your own room overlooking the river.
Over a delicious evening meal prepared by her servants, you learn that her name is Tiosanna. She is the widow of a wealthy trader who was killed at sea when his ship was attacked and plundered by buccaneers. When her only daughter recently fell ill with fever, she feared she was going to lose her as well. She rarely goes to the market, yet a strange compulsion made her go today. She cannot explain, but the moment she saw you she knew that it was within your power to save her daughter’s life.
You retire early to bed and sleep soundly (you may restore 6 ENDURANCE points). When you rise at dawn, you are feeling fresh and eager to continue your journey to the Isle of Lorn. In appreciation for saving her daughter’s life, Tiosanna gives you a horse. Gladly you accept her generous gift and you bid them both a fond farewell before you set off along ‘The Dragon’s Tail’—the name given by the natives of this region to the overland route from Masama to the city of Kitaezi.
After consulting your map you estimate that it should take you no more than two days to reach Kitaezi. The weather has settled and the overland trail proves far smoother than its given name implies. By mid-afternoon you have covered more than 50 miles and you are pleased with your progress.
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You are passing through a range of forested hills and gullies when you come to an unexpected fork in the trail. A signpost says that both branches of this fork lead to Kitaezi, yet it does not give any indication which is the shorter or the safer route to take.
If you wish to take the left fork in the road, turn to 196.
If you decide to take the right fork, turn to 289.