The Buccaneers of Shadaki


You follow the shadowy alleyway until you arrive at a small square which is flanked on all sides by dingy hovels and derelict shops. Only one of these shops is open for business. A sign nailed above its worm-eaten door says: ‘Dulgh’s Curios’.

A bell tinkles as you push open the creaking door and a gust of stale, musty air makes you cough as you step into the gloomy interior. Despite its decrepit appearance, you quickly discover that this shop is full of strange and fascinating artefacts. One in particular catches your eye. It is a porcelain figurine of a small child which has uncannily lifelike eyes.

‘Ah, you’re a Sommlending, and you’re a connoisseur too I see,’ says a reedy voice. From behind a stand of rusty armour there suddenly appears a little old man. He squints at you through his thick spectacles and wrinkles his face into the semblance of a smile.

‘It is a genuine Nhang Doll, one of the original one hundred that were made for Emperor Hyunstai. Very rare indeed. I’m loath to sell but, well, times are hard. It can be yours for a mere 10 Gold Crowns.’


If you are willing to buy this doll for 10 Gold Crowns, turn to 21.

If you wish to buy the doll but would first like to barter with the old man to see if he will lower his price, turn to 99.

If you do not wish to purchase the doll, you can leave the curio shop by turning to 204.

Project AonThe Buccaneers of Shadaki