The Buccaneers of Shadaki


You resign yourself to the fact that you are unlikely to find a buyer for copper in this unfriendly inn and so you turn to leave. Seeing this, the drunken louts in the taproom start to jeer at you and throw food and ale at your companions. In the face of this mindless abuse you lead them out of the tavern and begin retracing your route back to the harbour in the hope of reaching The Azan before night closes in completely. You are within a few hundred yards of the harbour entrance when suddenly a patrol of the city watch come marching around a corner with their spears couched on their chainmailed shoulders. Their officer commands you all to halt and demands that you raise your hands above your heads.

If you wish to do as the officer has ordered, turn to 228.

If you decide to make a dash for the harbour, turn to 330.

Project AonThe Buccaneers of Shadaki