You collect and pay for your food and eat it outside. After your meal, you continue along the trade road which soon enters a dense timberland. It is an uncomfortably hot and humid region, and you are made to feel even more uncomfortable by swarms of tiny insects that bite any exposed areas of your flesh (lose 2 ENDURANCE points). Judging by the number of bites you sustain, you suspect that these insects consider Sommlending flesh to be something of a delicacy.
As the sun approaches the horizon, the road passes a high plateau before descending towards the shimmering green waters of the Jazer Strait. The city of Jazer nestles in a wooded bay and you arrive at its east gate shortly after sunset. A notice board fixed to the gatehouse wall informs you that you have missed the last ferry, a service which carries road travellers across the strait to connect to the trade road to Tiklu and beyond. The next ferry leaves tomorrow morning at an hour after dawn. It is a warm night, and as you wander through the streets of this city, you contemplate where you should best spend it.
If you wish to find lodgings for the night, turn to 138.
If you decide to sleep in the open, turn to 203.