The captain complies with your powerful psychic suggestions and, without really knowing why, he orders his helmsman to steer towards the distant speck in the sea. As you draw closer, you see that the man is lying unconscious upon a raft made of coiled ropes and smashed timbers. A crewman brings him aboard and together you carry him to your cabin where you wrap him in a blanket and use your Kai healing skills to bring him back to consciousness.
As slowly the man recovers his senses, you learn that his name is Gregor Luggs. He is a Lourdenian sailor and sole survivor of a pirate attack which destroyed his ship and killed all of his fellow crewmen three days ago.
‘It was the Shadakine who done it,’ he says, trembling with anger. ‘They came upon us at night. Out o’the dark with not a deck light showin’. After they’d took all o’the cargo, they turned their cannons on us. We didn’t stand a chance.’
Gregor thanks you repeatedly for saving his life. Another few hours and he would have died of exposure. As a mark of his gratitude he gives you an ornate Silver Clasp (record this on your Action Chart as a Special Item which you keep in your tunic pocket) and he insists that he pay you for allowing him to share your cabin and food. He takes 10 Gold Crowns from his belt pouch and offers them to you (if you decide to accept them, remember to adjust your Action Chart accordingly).
To continue, turn to 339.